“Neighbourhood Character” - ambiguous

Remove ambiguity with respect to “neighbourhood character” as referred to in Section 46 of the Bylaw.

Background:  The UEL Official Community Plan (“the Plan”) is a “broad statement of objectives and policies to guide decisions on planning and land use management within the area.”  It is a document which was derived from collective decisions made by the community, and embodies resident visions of neighbourhood character.  Building bylaws “must be consistent with the goals and objectives of the Plan.” 

In practice, since there are references to “neighbourhood character” in the Building Bylaws, these references are making the process open to subjective interpretation of neighbourhood character, not community expression of neighbourhood character – which is already embodied in the Bylaw by virtue of the Bylaw having been derived from the Plan. 

Thus, in order to remove ambiguity in the implementation of the Bylaw, removing references to “neighourhood character” from the Bylaw should be considered.